Trail News

A Walk Through Time

May Flower Hike - Sunday May 5

Marsh Marigold
Our first guided hike will be our First Sunday Hike in May, also known as our May Flower Hike. The first week in May is the perfect time to catch the spring ephemerals in all their glory on the Chippewa River Segment….hepatica, marsh marigolds, trout lily, trillium, wood anemone, spring beauties, and more.

We will meet at the Hwy. CC parking lot at 1:00 p.m. to hike out and back on the segment, a total of 3.8 miles. JoAnn will be leading this hike, and would like a volunteer or two to lead it with her.

Contact JoAnn Parks if you have any questions, to volunteer to help with the hike, or to RSVP to attend the hike.