Trailhead Signage Installed on Cornell Segment
06/03/2024 03:36

A five person team, with assistance from Dan Osborn (Winery) and his son, installed the Trailhead signage for the Cornell Segment. The trailheads for the segment are at the Mill Yard Park and the Wisconsin Veteran Farm and Winery. Thank you to Dan for drilling the post holes at the winery, and for helping with the installations at the winery and at the Mill Yard Park. Dan is dedicating part of his parking lot for Ice Age Trail Hikers. He recently resurfaced the parking lot, and hikers can park near the trailhead sign. The Cornell City Maintenance crew drilled the post holes at the Mill Yard Park. Besides the trail head signs, we installed a 4x4 post at the start of the newly built paved walking path along the shoreline, and a carsonite post to direct people from the Mill Yard Park to the Old Abe Bike Trail at Thomas Street and Park Road.