Trail News

A Walk Through Time

NEW Volunteer Agreement Links

Bridge stringer carried by 18 workers
All volunteers need to have a completed Volunteer Agreement for the National Park Service each year in order to participate in our trail improvement days or to volunteer at events. They have a new form on the Alliance Website.

If you have previously submitted an agreement, please check last year’s agreement to see when you are due to renew, and mark it on your calendar to do it then.

To access the new Volunteer Agreement, here is the link:

Please fill out the fillable form and email it to (Do not copy and paste the email address. You need to type it in. Otherwise, it may bounce back to you. You CAN click on the link and then the email will be properly addressed.)

NOTE: Fill in all the required boxes. The fillable boxes are on everything except the signature line.

SIGNATURE: You can type your name and date in the date box next to the signature line.

SAVE the document to your computer and then send it to NPS as an attachment. Or print out your completed document, sign it, and mail it to the NPS. The email address is on the directions page that comes with the form.

When you send in the Volunteer Agreement to NPS, they will sign it and return it to you. Please print a copy for yourself or save it in your files. Email the chapter at to let us know that you have received your new signed Volunteer Agreement.