Trail News

A Walk Through Time

Chapter Calendar 2025

Mammoth Hikers
These are our annual events. Watch for information on upcoming events and additions (in red) to this calendar in the monthly newsletters.

February 15: Candlelight Ski and Snowshoe - Brunet Island State Park
February 22: Snowshoe Hike with youth at Our Nawakwa

Early March: Volunteer Zoom with Dan Watson
March 17: Chapter Meeting

April 14: Trail Maintenance Day
April 10-13: Annual IATA Conference - Stevens Point

May 4: First Sunday Hike - Chippewa River Segment
May 17: Trail Maintenance Day
May 19: Chapter Meeting

June TBD: First Aid Training with Lisa Szela
June 7: National Trails Day Hike
June 20: Solistice Hike with Our Nawakwa (includes sunset hike up Mt. Baldy)
June 21: Trail Maintenance Day

July 12: Cornell Floatilla (Possible Paddle and Hike Event)
July 21: Chapter Picnic at Mill Yard Park

August 3: First Sunday Hike (Out and back Obey to 267th)
August 16: Trail Maintenance Day

September 7: First Sunday Hike - Harwood Lakes
September 15: Chapter Meeting
September 20: Trail Maintenance Day

October 1-31: Mammoth 45 Hiking Challenge
October 4: Parade of Colors Hike - Obey Center
October 11: Hike and Meet Monty - Chippewa River Segment/Cornell Visitor Center
October 18: Trail Maintenance Day

November 17: Annual Chapter Meeting