Trail News

A Walk Through Time

October 2023

New Cornell Segment


New Route Through Mill Yard Park

Cornell is now a segment on the Ice Age Trail. The segment begins at the Mill Yard Park at the entrance by the Visitor Center on Hwy. 64. Stop to check out the historical displays. Along Bridge Street, you will find the sluice that used to allow the mill to float logs under the street to the mill.(Look for the metal railings) There is also a State Historical Sign for the Stacker. Stop in at the Visitor’s Center when it is open. Just beyond the Visitor’s Center, you will find a historical sign featuring Jean Brunet and Ezra Cornell at the base of the Stacker.

Cornell is installing a paved walkway this summer along the shoreline all the way to Park Road. Until this is completed, please follow the gravel road that curves around parallel to the shoreline. There are blazes to guide you. When you reach Park Road, cross to Thomas Street where you will reach the Old Abe Bike Trail. Follow the signage through town. The street portion of the segment follows the old CR route and ends at the Veteran’s Farm and Winery on 8th Street.